# booru-tools scripts for downloading and tagging images from booru websites - stores tags in `user.xdg.tags` xattr - tags work with KDE dolphin / KDE's baloo file indexer, idk about other desktop environments - see https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Extended_attributes - These took me a whole morning to write. Its very much WIP... ## Depends on: `jq` for json parsing `torsocks` if you're downloading through tor ## Scripts: `gelbdl.sh` downloads and tags files from every gelbooru link in files.txt `gelbtag.sh` hashes and looks up every image in a folder on gelbooru `dandl.sh` downloads and tags files from every danbooru link in files.txt `dantag.sh` hashes and looks up every image in a folder on danbooru `moedl.sh` downloads and tags files from moebooru imageboard (think konachan and yande.re) links in files.txt `moetag.sh` hashes and looks up every image in a folder (provided you specify the booru)