This guide is for those wanting one of the two most beautiful source based distros, either __CRUX__ or __Source Mage GNU/Linux__. It was written so it can be used by both, only diverging on particular details.
* __CRUX__: A ports based, BSD style init scripts, distro following true KISS principles (Keep It Simple).
* __Source Mage GNU/Linux__: Without 3rd party patches, sensible defaults or masked packages, free from obfuscated and pre-configured code, use clean dependencies as they came from upstream developers and can also use flags.
__NOTE__: This guide attempts to describe __UEFI__ in detail side by side with __BIOS__. Also describes dualbooting (and triple booting) with the bootloader. If you feel overwhelmed for the amount of information don't be afraid, most of it is __OPTIONAL__, like password protection of the bootloader and the different filesystems the bootloaders can use.
* Temporarily change keyboard (available configurations can be found in the directories "_/usr/share/kbd/keymaps/_" for __CRUX__ and "_/usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwerty_" for __Source Mage GNU/Linux__)
In these examples we make only two partitions but you can extend this if you know how. The partitions are one root partition, later mounted to "_/mnt/drive_" with "_mkfs.<ROOT_FILESYSTEM>_" format, and one boot partition, later mounted to "_/mnt/drive/boot_" and with "_mkfs.<BOOTLOADER_FILESYSTEM>_" format unless is __UEFI__ in which case "_mkfs.vfat_" is the only format available and will be mounted to "_/mnt/drive/boot/efi_" instead.
* On __CRUX__ run "_setup_", and if on UEFI select on setup grub2-efi (if using GRUB 2), efibootmgr, and elfutils from opt (only select core, and say yes when you're asked if you want to select individual packages). And if you are not using LILO de-select it from core.
* The "_vmlinuz_" file makes reference to the kernel image, you can rename it or simlink to it in all cases, the only rule is you have to make sure the name is referenced correctly in the bootloader. By default it can have names like "_vmlinuz-linux_", "_vmlinuz-<KERNEL_VERSION>_" and so on. The same with "_initramfs.img_", it can be "_initramfs-<KERNEL_VERSION>.img_" and such.
* All bootloader examples have included other OS inside what is called "_stanzas_".
* Inserting "_password=\<PASSWORD>_" inside an OS stanza will protect with a password that OS, but inserting "_password=\<PASSWORD>_" just before the stanzas and outside any of them will protect with a password the bootloader itself (notice the space inside stanzas)