From 12a4aca5c6fd9e2efe781a6d2de5fa84baad33f3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: mayfrost Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2018 04:47:04 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Update --- | 118 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 1 file changed, 59 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index dedb933..84e64b7 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2,79 +2,79 @@ The list is built pointing to software that have alternatives with less dependen Certainly it would be great to have a comparative on resource usage tho. Wanna help? -*__Terminal Pager__: less -> most +* __Terminal Pager__: less -> most -*__Chat Client__: Pidgin -> Finch (+ irssi mode) -> Centerim -> Bitlbee -*__E-Mail Client__: Thunderbird -> Alpine -> Mutt -*__RSS Feed and Podcast__: Liferea -> Newsbeuter -> Newsboat -*__IRC Client__: HexChat -> Weechat -> Irssi -*__VoIP__: Skype -> Mumble -> Linphone -> sscall +* __Chat Client__: Pidgin -> Finch (+ irssi mode) -> Centerim -> Bitlbee +* __E-Mail Client__: Thunderbird -> Alpine -> Mutt +* __RSS Feed and Podcast__: Liferea -> Newsbeuter -> Newsboat +* __IRC Client__: HexChat -> Weechat -> Irssi +* __VoIP__: Skype -> Mumble -> Linphone -> sscall -*__Application Launcher__: GNOME Do -> ratmenu -> dmenu -> pdmenu -> slmenu -*__Compositing Window Manager__: Compiz -> Compton -> Xcompmgr -*__Display Color Temperature__: flux -> Redshift -> sct -*__Graphical Settings__: Wpgtk -> LxAppearance -> GSettings -> xsettings -*__Keybinding__: Xbindkeys -> sxhkd -> loadkeys (+ keymaps) -*__Wallpaper Changer__: FEH -> hsetroot -> xsetroot -> imagemagick (but use 10MB more RAM than the others) +* __Application Launcher__: GNOME Do -> ratmenu -> dmenu -> pdmenu -> slmenu +* __Compositing Window Manager__: Compiz -> Compton -> Xcompmgr +* __Display Color Temperature__: flux -> Redshift -> sct +* __Graphical Settings__: Wpgtk -> LxAppearance -> GSettings -> xsettings +* __Keybinding__: Xbindkeys -> sxhkd -> loadkeys (+ keymaps) +* __Wallpaper Changer__: FEH -> hsetroot -> xsetroot -> imagemagick (but use 10MB more RAM than the others) -*__CD-DVD Burn and Copy__: K3b -> Brasero -> cdw -*__Device Management__: Udisks (+ udevil) -> pmount -> bashmount +* __CD-DVD Burn and Copy__: K3b -> Brasero -> cdw +* __Device Management__: Udisks (+ udevil) -> pmount -> bashmount -*__Virtual Machine__: VirtualBox -> AQEMU + kvm -> Qemu + kvm +* __Virtual Machine__: VirtualBox -> AQEMU + kvm -> Qemu + kvm -*__Batch Renamer__: GPRename -> qmv (renameutils) -*__Duplicate Files Removal__: dupeGuru -> Fdupes -*__File Archiver__: PeaZip -> Xarchiver -> Atool -*__File Manager__: SpaceFM -> Ranger -> Midnight Commander -> noice +* __Batch Renamer__: GPRename -> qmv (renameutils) +* __Duplicate Files Removal__: dupeGuru -> Fdupes +* __File Archiver__: PeaZip -> Xarchiver -> Atool +* __File Manager__: SpaceFM -> Ranger -> Midnight Commander -> noice -*__File Scraper__: JDownloader -> youtube-dl -> cclive -> Plowshare -*__FTP Client__: FileZilla -> lftp -*__Torrent Client__: qBittorrent -> RTorrent -> transmission-daemon (+ transmission-remote-cli, or use the web interface that comes with transmission-daemon) +* __File Scraper__: JDownloader -> youtube-dl -> cclive -> Plowshare +* __FTP Client__: FileZilla -> lftp +* __Torrent Client__: qBittorrent -> RTorrent -> transmission-daemon (+ transmission-remote-cli, or use the web interface that comes with transmission-daemon) -*__System Information__: zCI -> screenfetch -> inxi -*__Disk Usage__: QDirStat -> Baobab -> Ncdu -> df -*__System Monitor__: gnome-system-monitor -> Conky -> htop -> nmon -> top +* __System Information__: zCI -> screenfetch -> inxi +* __Disk Usage__: QDirStat -> Baobab -> Ncdu -> df +* __System Monitor__: gnome-system-monitor -> Conky -> htop -> nmon -> top -*__Multiple Streams__: pulseaudio -> apulse -*__Audio Editing__: Audacity -> SoX -*__Audio Mixer and Equalizer__: pavucontrol -> Qastools -> alsa-utils + Alsaequal -*__Metadata__: Easytag -> Beets -> ExifTool -*__Screenshots__: Shutter -> scrot -> maim -> ImageMagick -*__Screencasting__: Open Broadcaster Studio -> SimpleScreenRecorder -> FFmpeg -*__Video Transcoding__: HandBrake -> WinFF -> FFmpeg +* __Multiple Streams__: pulseaudio -> apulse +* __Audio Editing__: Audacity -> SoX +* __Audio Mixer and Equalizer__: pavucontrol -> Qastools -> alsa-utils + Alsaequal +* __Metadata__: Easytag -> Beets -> ExifTool +* __Screenshots__: Shutter -> scrot -> maim -> ImageMagick +* __Screencasting__: Open Broadcaster Studio -> SimpleScreenRecorder -> FFmpeg +* __Video Transcoding__: HandBrake -> WinFF -> FFmpeg -*__DNS Resolution__: Unbound + NDS -> BIND9 -*__Network Manager__: Wicd -> NetworkManager -> ConnMan -> SetNet +* __DNS Resolution__: Unbound + NDS -> BIND9 +* __Network Manager__: Wicd -> NetworkManager -> ConnMan -> SetNet -*__Ebook Viewer__: Calibre -> Zathura -*__Printers__: CUPS -> LPR -*__Word Processor__: Libreoffice Writter -> Abiword -> WordGrinder + pandoc -*__Spreadsheets__: Libreoffice Calc -> Gnumeric -> SC-IM + pandoc -*__Text Editor (and IDE)__: Emacs (nox) -> Vim -> Nano -> Vile -> xwpe -> GNU Zile +* __Ebook Viewer__: Calibre -> Zathura +* __Printers__: CUPS -> LPR +* __Word Processor__: Libreoffice Writter -> Abiword -> WordGrinder + pandoc +* __Spreadsheets__: Libreoffice Calc -> Gnumeric -> SC-IM + pandoc +* __Text Editor (and IDE)__: Emacs (nox) -> Vim -> Nano -> Vile -> xwpe -> GNU Zile -*__Disk Cleaner__: BleachBit -> bleachbit_cli -> shred -*__Storage Encryption__: VeraCrypt -> tcplay (TrueCrypt implementation) -> Keyringer -> Tomb -*__Password Manager__: KeePassX -> kpcli / pass (+ pass-tomb) +* __Disk Cleaner__: BleachBit -> bleachbit_cli -> shred +* __Storage Encryption__: VeraCrypt -> tcplay (TrueCrypt implementation) -> Keyringer -> Tomb +* __Password Manager__: KeePassX -> kpcli / pass (+ pass-tomb) -*__Version Control__: Git (+ tig) -> Fossil -> RCS +* __Version Control__: Git (+ tig) -> Fossil -> RCS -*__Configuration Management__: Puppet -> CFEngine -> cdist +* __Configuration Management__: Puppet -> CFEngine -> cdist -*__CAD__: AutoCAD -> FreeCAD -> OpenSCAD -*__Graphing Calculato__r: KAlgebra -> GraphMonkey -> Maxima + PLplot +* __CAD__: AutoCAD -> FreeCAD -> OpenSCAD +* __Graphing Calculato__r: KAlgebra -> GraphMonkey -> Maxima + PLplot -*__Firewall__: gufw -> ufw -> iptables -> nftables +* __Firewall__: gufw -> ufw -> iptables -> nftables -*__Cloud__: Google Drive -> Nextcloud -> vsftpd -> sftp -*__E-Mail Filtering (LDA)__: Dovecot -> procmail -*__E-Mail Server (MTA)__: Postfix -> Exim -> cmail -*__E-Mail Spam Filter__: DSPAM -> SpamAssassin -*__VPN__: OpenVPN -> WireGuard -*__Web Caching__: Decentraleyes on a web browser -> Squid -*__Web Filtering__: Ad blocker on a web browser -> Pi-hole -> Privoxy -*__Web Server__: Apache -> Nginx -> lighttpd -> darkhttpd -> Bucktooth (+ Bucky) +* __Cloud__: Google Drive -> Nextcloud -> vsftpd -> sftp +* __E-Mail Filtering (LDA)__: Dovecot -> procmail +* __E-Mail Server (MTA)__: Postfix -> Exim -> cmail +* __E-Mail Spam Filter__: DSPAM -> SpamAssassin +* __VPN__: OpenVPN -> WireGuard +* __Web Caching__: Decentraleyes on a web browser -> Squid +* __Web Filtering__: Ad blocker on a web browser -> Pi-hole -> Privoxy +* __Web Server__: Apache -> Nginx -> lighttpd -> darkhttpd -> Bucktooth (+ Bucky) -*__BIOS__: Coreboot -> Libreboot -*__Boot Loader__: GRUB 2 -> GRUB Legacy -> SYSLINUX -> LILO (or ELILO for UEFI) -*__Service Manager__: SysVinit + bum -> SysVinit + OpenRC -> sinit (+ daemontools-encore or perp) -*__IPC__: DBus -> ipcs +* __BIOS__: Coreboot -> Libreboot +* __Boot Loader__: GRUB 2 -> GRUB Legacy -> SYSLINUX -> LILO (or ELILO for UEFI) +* __Service Manager__: SysVinit + bum -> SysVinit + OpenRC -> sinit (+ daemontools-encore or perp) +* __IPC__: DBus -> ipcs