diff --git a/ALTERNATIVES.md b/ALTERNATIVES.md index 8c2b915..c2c13e1 100644 --- a/ALTERNATIVES.md +++ b/ALTERNATIVES.md @@ -200,9 +200,38 @@ Certainly it would be great to have a comparative on resource usage tho. Wanna h * __Web State Monitor__: Nagios (+ NagVis) -> sysmon -> Sysmond ## Multimedia -* __Multiple Audio Streams__: pulseaudio -> apulse +### ASCii Art +* __ANSI Drawing__: cadubi -> SHPaint -> MysticDraw +* __ANSi Viewer__: ANSiMat +* __ASCii Animation__: blessed -> Durdraw -> drawille +* __ASCii Banner__: shellpic -> TOIlet -> FIGlet -> sysvbanner +* __ASCii Drawing__: JavE -> textdraw -> Aewan +* __ASCii Presentations__: wopr -> blessed-contrib +* __Image to ASCii__: jp2a +* __Video to ASCii__: libcaca -> AAlib + +### Audio * __Audio Editing__: Audacity -> SoX -* __Audio Mixer and Equalizer__: pavucontrol -> Qastools -> alsa-utils + Alsaequal +* __Audio Effect Plugins__: zam-plugins (LADSPA/LV2/VST/JACK), LV2 (x42-plugins), LADSPA (tap-plugins), DSSI (dssi-utils, dssi-vst) +* __Audio Encoding__: LAME, FLAC +* __Background Sound__: GNU GTick -> Ambient Noise +* __Digital Audio Workstation__: Rosegarden -> Ardour -> LMMS +* __DJing__: Mixxx +* __Ear Training__: LenMus -> GNU Solfege +* __Multiple Audio Streams__: pulseaudio -> apulse +* __Music Player__: Audacious (+ Winamp Classic skin + GJay) -> cmus -> MPD (vimus/ncmpcpp) -> MOC (+ moc-ffmpeg-plugin, dmenu_mocp) +* __Music Visualization__: Spectrum3d -> Le Biniou -> projectM -> cli-visualizer +* __Scorewriter__: MuseScore -> LilyPond +* __Software Sampler__: LinuxSampler -> orDrumbox -> Hydrogen +* __Synthesizer__: AlsaModularSynth -> ZynAddSubFX +* __System Sound Utilities__: pavucontrol (pulseaudio) -> JAMin (for Jack) -> Qastools -> alsa-utils + Alsaequal +* __System Sound Extensions__: WineASIO, alsa-oss/oss-compat, ESound (esound-common), awesfx +* __Tonal Feature Analysis__: CLAM Chordata +* __Tracker Editors__: Schism -> MilkyTracker +* __Trackers__: SID-Wizard -> GoatTracker +* __Tray Icon__: Volume Icon -> Volti + +### Image * __Metadata__: Easytag -> Beets -> ExifTool * __Screenshots__: Shutter -> scrot -> maim -> ImageMagick * __Screencasting__: Open Broadcaster Studio -> SimpleScreenRecorder -> FFmpeg