# Initiation Rite This guide is for those who want to install either CRUX or Source Mage GNU/Linux. It was written so it can be used by both, only diverging on the particular details. * __CRUX__: A ports based, BSD style init scripts, distro following true KISS principles (Keep It Simple, Stupid). * __Source Mage GNU/Linux__: Without 3rd party patches, sensible defaults or masked packages, free from obfuscated and pre-configured code, use clean dependencies as they came from upstream developers and can also use flags. ## START Boot in UEFI mode if on UEFI, BIOS if on BIOS, and select installation media. * Make sure your network is up (OPTIONAL) `dhcpcd ` * Temporarily change keyboard (available configurations can be found in the directories "_/usr/share/kbd/keymaps/_" for __CRUX__ and "_/usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwerty_" for __Source Mage GNU/Linux__) `loadkeys ` ## PARTITIONING Supported filesystems by bootloaders are (if on UEFI ignore this as it only supports FAT): * __LILO__: indifferent (anything?) * __SYSLINUX__: ext2, ext3, ext4, btrfs, ufs 1/2, FAT16, FAT32, iso9660, udf, NTFS * __GRUB Legacy__: FAT16, FAT32, minix, ext2, ext3, ext4, ReiserFS, JFS, XFS, VSTa fs, Btrfs * __GRUB 2__: ext2, ext3, ext4, btrfs, zfs, ufs, minix, iso9660, udf, jfs, hfs, hfs+, afs, affs, sfs, xfs, reiserfs, tar, cpio, NTFS, FAT16, FAT32 In these examples we make only two partitions but you can extend this if you know how. The partitions are one root partition, later mounted to "_/mnt/drive_" with "_mkfs._" format, and one boot partition, later mounted to "_/mnt/drive/boot_" and with "_mkfs._" format unless is __UEFI__ in which case "_mkfs.vfat_" is the only format available and will be mounted to "_/mnt/drive/boot/efi_" instead. * Use parted `parted /dev/sda` * Inside parted, if on UEFI label the disk "_gpt_", but if on BIOS label it "_msdos_" `mklabel