#DISTROS 7. [CONFIGURATION ON CRUX](#configuration-on-crux) 7.1. [ENABLE CONTRIB REPO](#enable-contrib-repo) 7.2. [ADD EXTERNAL REPOS](#add-external-repos) 7.3. [INSTALL XORG](#install-xorg) 8. [CRUX COMMANDS](#crux-commands) 8.1. [AUTOMATED INSTALLATION OF PORTS](#automated-installation-of-ports) 8.2. [MANUAL DOWNLOAD AND INSTALLATION](#manual-download-and-installation) 9. [SOURCE MAGE GNU/LINUX COMMANDS](#source-mage-gnu/linu-commands) ## CONFIGURATION ON CRUX ### ENABLE CONTRIB REPO * Enable contrib for ports `cd /etc/ports` `mv contrib.rsync.inactive contrib.rsync` * Enable contrib for prt-get `nano /etc/prt-get.conf` * Uncomment line "_prtdir /usr/ports/contrib_" ### ADD EXTERNAL REPOS * Download httpup/rsync file and pub file `cd /etc/ports/` `wget -c ` * Add repo location to "_/etc/prt-get.conf_" (order sets precedence) `nano /etc/prt-get.conf` * Add line "_prtdir /usr/ports/\_" * Populate repo `ports -u ` * Enable pre-/post-install scripts in "_/etc/prt-get.conf_" (usually safe to run repeatedly, usually used to rebuild caches and add system users when installing certain software) `nano /etc/prt-get.conf` * Uncomment line "_runscripts yes_" * Ignore footprint mismatches due to new files (usually not a bad thing) `nano /etc/pkgmk.conf` * Set line "_PKGMK_IGNORE_NEW="yes"_" ### INSTALL XORG * Install a minimal set of xorg and xorg dependent tools one by one `prtget depinst xorg-server xorg-xf86-video- xorg-font- xkeyboard-config xorg-xinit` * Alternatively just install the metapackage "_xorg_" ## CRUX COMMANDS ### AUTOMATED INSTALLATION OF PORTS * Populate ports tree (is empty by default) `ports -u` * Automatically download and build a package with its required dependencies ignoring signature mismatch `prt-get -in depinst ` * Remove a package `prt-get remove ` * Search package `prt-get search ` * Get info from package `prt-get info ` * Get dependency info from package `prt-get depends ` * Update all packages `prt-get sysup` * List all installed packages `pkginfo -i` ### MANUAL DOWNLOAD AND INSTALLATION * Go to apropriate directory for all these tasks `cd to /usr/ports//` * To download a package `pkgmk -d ` * To install a downloaded package `pkgmk -i ` * In case of signature mismatch `pkgadd -f ` * To clean directory from downloaded package and build `pkgadd -c ` * To remove installed package `pkgrm ` ## SOURCE MAGE GNU/LINUX COMMANDS * To get a manual `cast smgl-setup` `man smgl-setup` * To change general things like the color scheme `sorcery` * To update the package manager `sorcery update` * To update the package list `scribe update` * To check for any changes in the architecture specs `cast smgl-archspecs` * To rebuild everything from source `sorcery rebuild` * To recompile the kernel `cast -r linux` * To get a list of spells needing upgrade `sorcery -q` * To upgrade the spells themselves known to be available for upgrade `cast --queue` * To check for broken installations `cleanse --fix` * After casting new spells you need this to have apropos, man -k, and whatis ` makewhatis` * To install new packages `cast ` * To update an existing package `cast ` * To search for packages `gaze search ` * To search by package name `gaze search -name ` * To list installed packages `gaze installed` * To remove a spell `dispel ` * To delete completely a package `dispel --nosustain ` * To list repositories `scribe index` * To add a repository `scribe add ` * To remove a repository `scribe remove `