E-MAIL Set cock.li Configure mutt -Create account. Set mutiple accounts Send mail Send attachment To cancel an action in mutt hit CTRL+g Use notmuch set i2p-bote MAILDIR = several files MBOX = one file for everything ### MUTTRC Example config with cock.li and gmail. Not quite complete but can work if tweaked. ``` #--------------------------------------- # ~/.mutt/muttrc settings mutt 1.5.20 #--------------------------------------- # #--------------------------------------- # One-Time Previous Steps #--------------------------------------- # Generate keys with proper user # $ gpg --gen-key # # Make proper directory with file: # $ mkdir ~/.mutt && touch ~/.mutt/.passwd # # Put the following inside ~/.mutt/.passwd: # set cock_pass="password" # set gmail_pass="password" # # Encrypt with proper user: # $ gpg -r USER1 -e ~/.mutt/.passwd # $ shred ~/.mutt/.passwd # $ rm -f ~/.mutt/.passwd # #--------------------------------------- # Process the password file first (the "|" pipes to Mutt) #--------------------------------------- #source "gpg -d ~/.mutt/.passwd.gpg |" # #--------------------------------------- # Account Hooks #--------------------------------------- account-hook . 'unset imap_user imap_pass' # unset first! account-hook 'imaps://mail.cock.li:993/' "\ set imap_user=USER1@cock.li imap_pass=`cat ~/.mutt/.cock ` " # imap_pass=$my_cock_pass " #account-hook 'imaps://USER2@imap.gmail.com/' "\ # set imap_user=USER2 imap_pass=$my_gmail_pass " # #---------------------------------------- # Folders, mailboxes and folder hooks #---------------------------------------- # # Setup for USER1: #---------------------------------------- set folder = imaps://mail.cock.li:993/ mailboxes =Inbox =Sent =Junk =Trash folder-hook 'imaps://mail.cock.li:993' " \ set folder=imaps://mail.cock.li:993/ \ record=+Sent \ smtp_url=smtps://$imap_user@mail.cock.li:465 \ signature=~/.mutt/USER1.sig \ from='USER1 ' \ realname='USER1' " # #---------------------------------------- # Setup for USER2: #---------------------------------------- #set folder="imaps://USER2@imap.gmail.com/" #mailboxes =INBOX =[Gmail]/Drafts =[Gmail]/'Sent Mail' =[Gmail]/Spam #folder-hook 'imaps://USER2@imap.gmail.com' " \ # set folder=imaps://USER2@imap.gmail.com/ \ # postponed=+[Gmail]/Drafts \ # record=+[Gmail]/'Sent Mail' \ # smtp_url=smtps://USER2@smtp.gmail.com \ # smtp_pass=$my_gmail_pass \ # signature=~/.mutt/USER2.sig \ # from='USER2 ' \ # realname='USER2' " # #---------------------------------------- # Macros to make life easier #---------------------------------------- macro index 1 "y1" # ESC+1 takes to first INBOX #macro index 2 "y5" # ESC+2 takes to the second # #--------------------------------------- # Mail-check preferences #--------------------------------------- set timeout=60 #Check for mail every minute set mail_check=5 # #--------------------------------------- # Set preferred editor #--------------------------------------- set editor='vim + -c "set textwidth=72" -c "set wrap" -c "set nocp" -c "?^$"' # EOF ```