2018-03-09 04:43:26 +00:00

81 lines
4.0 KiB

The list is built pointing to software that have alternatives with less dependencies, and addressing dependencies was the easy thing to do. One thing tho, some particular tools were included because they add less dependencies overall while keeping a system functional. One such example is imagemagick and ffmpeg, by which you can do a lot of work and replace many tools by just using those with scripts and replace something like a screenshot utility. TL;DR is about the unix principle and you can have a fully functional system pretty damn minimal with that.
Certainly it would be great to have a comparative on resource usage tho. Wanna help?
__Terminal Pager__: less -> most
__Chat Client__: Pidgin -> Finch (+ irssi mode) -> Centerim -> Bitlbee
__E-Mail Client__: Thunderbird -> Alpine -> Mutt
__RSS Feed and Podcast__: Liferea -> Newsbeuter -> Newsboat
__IRC Client__: HexChat -> Weechat -> Irssi
__VoIP__: Skype -> Mumble -> Linphone -> sscall
__Application Launcher__: GNOME Do -> ratmenu -> dmenu -> pdmenu -> slmenu
__Compositing Window Manager__: Compiz -> Compton -> Xcompmgr
__Display Color Temperature__: flux -> Redshift -> sct
__Graphical Settings__: Wpgtk -> LxAppearance -> GSettings -> xsettings
__Keybinding__: Xbindkeys -> sxhkd -> loadkeys (+ keymaps)
__Wallpaper Changer__: FEH -> hsetroot -> xsetroot -> imagemagick (but use 10MB more RAM than the others)
__CD-DVD Burn and Copy__: K3b -> Brasero -> cdw
__Device Management__: Udisks (+ udevil) -> pmount -> bashmount
__Virtual Machine__: VirtualBox -> AQEMU + kvm -> Qemu + kvm
__Batch Renamer__: GPRename -> qmv (renameutils)
__Duplicate Files Removal__: dupeGuru -> Fdupes
__File Archiver__: PeaZip -> Xarchiver -> Atool
__File Manager__: SpaceFM -> Ranger -> Midnight Commander -> noice
__File Scraper__: JDownloader -> youtube-dl -> cclive -> Plowshare
__FTP Client__: FileZilla -> lftp
__Torrent Client__: qBittorrent -> RTorrent -> transmission-daemon (+ transmission-remote-cli, or use the web interface that comes with transmission-daemon)
__System Information__: zCI -> screenfetch -> inxi
__Disk Usage__: QDirStat -> Baobab -> Ncdu -> df
__System Monitor__: gnome-system-monitor -> Conky -> htop -> nmon -> top
__Multiple Streams__: pulseaudio -> apulse
__Audio Editing__: Audacity -> SoX
__Audio Mixer and Equalizer__: pavucontrol -> Qastools -> alsa-utils + Alsaequal
__Metadata__: Easytag -> Beets -> ExifTool
__Screenshots__: Shutter -> scrot -> maim -> ImageMagick
__Screencasting__: Open Broadcaster Studio -> SimpleScreenRecorder -> FFmpeg
__Video Transcoding__: HandBrake -> WinFF -> FFmpeg
__DNS Resolution__: Unbound + NDS -> BIND9
__Network Manager__: Wicd -> NetworkManager -> ConnMan -> SetNet
__Ebook Viewer__: Calibre -> Zathura
__Printers__: CUPS -> LPR
__Word Processor__: Libreoffice Writter -> Abiword -> WordGrinder + pandoc
__Spreadsheets__: Libreoffice Calc -> Gnumeric -> SC-IM + pandoc
__Text Editor (and IDE)__: Emacs (nox) -> Vim -> Nano -> Vile -> xwpe -> GNU Zile
__Disk Cleaner__: BleachBit -> bleachbit_cli -> shred
__Storage Encryption__: VeraCrypt -> tcplay (TrueCrypt implementation) -> Keyringer -> Tomb
__Password Manager__: KeePassX -> kpcli / pass (+ pass-tomb)
__Version Control__: Git (+ tig) -> Fossil -> RCS
__Configuration Management__: Puppet -> CFEngine -> cdist
__CAD__: AutoCAD -> FreeCAD -> OpenSCAD
__Graphing Calculato__r: KAlgebra -> GraphMonkey -> Maxima + PLplot
__Firewall__: gufw -> ufw -> iptables -> nftables
__Cloud__: Google Drive -> Nextcloud -> vsftpd -> sftp
__E-Mail Filtering (LDA)__: Dovecot -> procmail
__E-Mail Server (MTA)__: Postfix -> Exim -> cmail
__E-Mail Spam Filter__: DSPAM -> SpamAssassin
__VPN__: OpenVPN -> WireGuard
__Web Caching__: Decentraleyes on a web browser -> Squid
__Web Filtering__: Ad blocker on a web browser -> Pi-hole -> Privoxy
__Web Server__: Apache -> Nginx -> lighttpd -> darkhttpd -> Bucktooth (+ Bucky)
__BIOS__: Coreboot -> Libreboot
__Boot Loader__: GRUB 2 -> GRUB Legacy -> SYSLINUX -> LILO (or ELILO for UEFI)
__Service Manager__: SysVinit + bum -> SysVinit + OpenRC -> sinit (+ daemontools-encore or perp)
__IPC__: DBus -> ipcs