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The list is built pointing to software that have alternatives with less dependencies, and addressing dependencies was the easy thing to do. One thing tho, some particular tools were included because they add less dependencies overall while keeping a system functional. One such example is imagemagick and ffmpeg, by which you can do a lot of work and replace many tools by just using those with scripts and replace something like a screenshot utility. TL;DR is about the unix principle and you can have a fully functional system pretty damn minimal with that.
Certainly it would be great to have a comparative on resource usage tho. Wanna help?
- Launcher: Silverfish
- Facebook: Tinfoil for Facebook
- Twitter*: Tinfoil for Twitter
- YouTube: NewPipe
- E-Books: Document Viewer
- Notes: miniNoteViewer
All apps are from F-Droid, may not be much but is a start.
Command Line
- Command Line Cheatsheet: CLI Companion -> xman -> cheat / howdoi / clf / fu / bro -> cheat.sh
- Directory Browsing: fasd, xd, fzy
- Framebuffer Environment: jfbterm / Fbterm -> yaft (because sixel) -> hterm (because regis)
- Hacker Culture: ddate, fortune, The Hacker Test, The Jargon File
- Multiplexer: Twin -> Tmux -> Byobu -> GNU Screen (+sixel patch)
- Progress Viewers: progress -> pv - Pipe Viewer -> Advanced Copy
- Scripting: GNU Parallel, empty
- Shells: Bash -> mksh -> PC-DCL -> rc
- Terminal Colorizer: colout -> lolcat
- Terminal Dropdown: tdrop -> YeahConsole, alwaysontop
- Terminal Emulator: PuTTY -> Cool Retro Term -> Terminology -> rxvt-unicode (a.k.a. urxvt) -> Termite -> UXTerm -> Qodem
- Terminal Pager: less -> most
- Terminal Screensaver: bb -> tty-clock -> CMatrix -> SL -> cowsay (or cowthink) -> rice -> Asciiquarium -> nyan.sh -> rickrollrc -> terminal-screensaver
- BBS-MUD Client: TinTin++
- Bookmark Manager: BUKU -> SemanticScuttle -> bookmarks.public -> bk_edit -> b. -> BM -> bbm
- Browser: Pale Moon -> Icecat -> vimb -> Uzbl -> NetSurf -> Hacked Links (ELinks + Links2) -> Lynx -> retawq -> Stallman.js
- Chat Client: Pidgin -> Finch (+ irssi mode) -> Centerim -> Bitlbee
- E-Mail Archiver: Lurker
- E-Mail Client: Thunderbird -> SquirrelMail -> Alpine -> Mutt -> mailx
- E-Mail Fetcher: Fetchmail -> mbsync/isync
- IRC Client: HexChat -> Weechat -> Irssi
- Online Radio: Nuvola Player
- RSS Feed and Podcast: Liferea -> Newsbeuter -> Newsboat
- Search Engine Scraper: Googler / Torrtux -> Surfraw (+ dmenu)
- Usenet Client (Newsreader): Pan -> Trn -> slrn ( + slrnpull + slrnface)
- VoIP Client: Jitsi -> Pidgin -> Finch
Desktop Client
- 4chan: ANSIchan / yottu
- Booru: ahoviewer
- Facebook: FBCLI / Facebook CLI
- General: Rambox / Gwibber
- Google Drive: Grive2
- Pastebin: pastebinit
- Reddit: cReddit
- Slack: ScudCloud / slackterm
- Twitter: Hotot / turses
- Youtube: youtube-viewer
- Application Launcher: rofi -> ratmenu -> dmenu -> pdmenu -> slmenu
- Boot Screen: Plymouth -> Splashy -> Fbsplash -> <BOOTLOADERS>
- Clipboard: CopyQ -> clipmenu -> snippy -> xclip / XSel
- Compositing Window Manager: Compiz -> Compton -> Xcompmgr
- Cursor: keynav, GPM
- Desktop Character: Kawari + Ninix-aya (for Ukagaka) -> Gnome KiSS -> Oneko -> xevilteddy -> Xteddy
- Display Color Temperature: Redshift -> sct
- Display Settings: DDCcontrol, xrandr
- Graphical Settings: Wpgtk -> LxAppearance -> GSettings -> xsettings
- Keybinding: Xbindkeys -> sxhkd -> loadkeys (+ keymaps)
- Keyboard Layout: XKB -> xmodmap -> loadkeys (+ keymaps)
- Login Manager: SLiM -> Qingy
- Macro Recorder: Autokey -> Sikuli -> Easystroke-> xdotool -> GNU Xnee
- Nested Display: Xephyr -> Xnest
- Notification Daemon: dunst -> slstatus
- Notification Server: Libcanberra + Libnotify -> xmessage
- Panel: Avant Window Navigator -> Global Menu -> Tint2
- Screensaver: XScreenSaver -> XLockmore -> i3lock -> sxlock -> slock
- Status Bar Client: Dzen -> Lemonbar
- Status Bar Server: monky -> i3status
- Animated Wallpaper Changer: Xphoon, xfireworks, Xsnow, xmountains, Xplanet, ImageMagick (animate)
- Still Wallpaper Changer: FEH -> hsetroot -> xsetroot -> imagemagick (but use 10MB more RAM than the others)
- Terminal As Wallpaper: root-tail -> xrootconsole -> xli
- Video Wallpaper Changer: mpv -> VLC (nvlc) -> MPlayer
- Window Manager: FVWM (+ FvwmTabs and 4dwm theme) -> awesome -> Amiwm -> Window Maker -> IceWM -> Blackbox -> i3 -> s3d (+ s3dfm) -> Vtwm -> mwm -> katriawm -> Emacs -> Ratpoison -> dwm (+ dwmstatus) -> FrankenWM -> TinyWM
- Window Manipulation: QuickTile -> wmctrl -> wmutils
- Worskpace Pager: 3D-Desktop -> Skippy-XD
- X Event Display: xprop -> xwininfo -> xev
Disk Tools
- CD-DVD Burn and Copy (Backends): cdrtools -> cdrkit -> cdrskin
- CD-DVD Burn and Copy (Frontends): K3b -> Brasero -> cdw
- CD-DVD Ripping: Sound Juicer -> fre ac -> cdparanoia (+ ABCDE)
- Custom Install CD: Respin -> Remastersys -> Distroshare -> PinguyBuilder -> Customizer -> Ubuntu Customization Kit -> Mklivecd
- Device Management: Udisks (+ udevil) -> pmount -> bashmount
- Disk Cloning and Writing: dd -> dcfldd -> dc3dd
- Live USB: UNetbootin -> MultiCD
- Partitioning: Gparted -> cfdisk -> GNU Parted -> fdisk / sfdisk
- System Backup: Systemback -> Bacula -> FSArchiver
Decentralized Services
- Chat: Tox -> Matrix (Matrix-Ircd, Riot) -> GNU Ring -> nircd -> sshtalk
- Collaborative Rea-Time Editor: Gobby -> EtherCalc -> Cryptpad
- Distributed File Systems: Samba -> NFS -> IPFS -> GNUnet
- DNS Resolution: OpenNIC -> Namecoin -> KadNode
- E-Commerce: OpenBazaar -> Bitnation -> FIX Agora + GNU Taler
- Forum: Decentraland -> GNU Social (Mastodon) -> NNTPChan
- Gossip Network (Decentralized Network Discovery: peernet
- Media Sharing: MediaGoblin -> PeerTube (WebTorrent) -> DTube -> Alexandria (watch a video about Alexandria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=So4n2ZBSMxg)
- Monetary Incentives: Storj + Gridcoin + Stream Token
- Paint chat: Drawpile -> Collab
- Search Engine: searx -> Seeks -> YaCy (truly decentralized, would be wonderful if searx/seeks could feed its data to YaCy)
- Search Engine (Gopher): Jugtail
- Streaming: Butter Project -> Livepeer -> BasicTV
- Version Control And File Repository: WebDAV -> ikiwiki -> GitTorrent
- VoIP: Mumble -> Linphone -> sscall
Emulation And Virtualization
- Containers: chroot -> LXC -> Linux-VServer
- Emulators: Windows: Wine (+ Wine Staging), Android: Ambox, OS X: Darling, Atari: Hatari, Commodore: VICE, DOS: DOSBox
- Hypervisors: Xen -> NOVA -> KVM
- Network Virtualization: nsnam -> GNS3
- Software Compatibility: .NET: DotGNU -> Mono, Systemd/Linux: systemd-shim
- Video Game Console Emulation ATARI: Stella
- Video Game Console Emulation XBOX: XQEMU
- Video Game Console Emulation MULTI: Higan -> Mednafen -> RetroArch -> MAME -> AdvanceMAME
- Video Game Console Emulation NINTENDO: DeSmuME, Mupen64Plus, Dolphin
- Video Game Console Emulation SEGA: Exodus, Yabause, Reicast
- Video Game Console Emulation PLAYSTATION: PPSSPP, RPCS3, PCSX/PCSX2
- Virtual Assembler: GNUSim8085 -> spim
- Virtual Machine: VirtualBox -> AQEMU + kvm -> Qemu + kvm
- Virtual Machine (IBM Mainframes): Hercules
- Virtual Machine (DEC): SIMH
- Business Intelligence: JasperReports
- CRM: SugarCRM
- Enterprise Resource Planning: IDempiere -> LedgerSMB
- Human Resource Software: OrangeHRM
- Invoice: Simple Invoices
- Project Management: GanttProject -> ProjectLibre
File Utilities
- Batch Renamer: GPRename -> qmv (renameutils)
- Duplicate Files Removal: dupeGuru -> Fdupes
- File Archiver: PeaZip -> Xarchiver -> Atool
- File Manager: SpaceFM -> Ranger -> Midnight Commander -> noice
- File Search: DocFetcher -> Puggle -> regain -> ANGRYsearch -> Xapian
- File Synchronization: Conduit -> Syncthing -> Unison -> git-annex -> zsync -> Rsync
- Image Organizer: hydrus network -> Shotwell -> GTKRawGallery -> digiKam -> gThumb (+ gphoto) -> Mapivi -> BASH-Booru
- RegEx Builder: Visual REGEXP -> txt2regex
- Regexer: regexxer -> ack -> ag
- Direct Connect: LinuxDC++ -> ncdc -> microdc2
- Download Manager: giFT (+ giFTcurs) -> aria2 -> cURL -> Wget
- File Scraper: megatools -> JDownloader -> Plowshare
- FTP Client: FileZilla -> lftp
- LAN Sharing: NitroShare -> Dukto
- Media Center: Plex -> Kodi ("XBMC", + Sonarr) -> Emby -> Popcorn Time
- Media Miner: FlexGet -> Sonarr
- Offline Reader: Kiwix -> Darcy Ripper -> HTTrack -> Wget
- Soulseek: Nicotine Plus -> Museek (mucous)
- Stream Catcher: Streamripper -> youtube-dl -> cclive -> quvi/RTMPDump
- Torrent Client: qBittorrent -> RTorrent -> transmission-daemon (+ transmission-remote-cli, or use the web interface that comes with transmission-daemon)
- Torrent Search Engine: Jackett -> Torrench -> Magnetissimo -> magnetico
- Usenet (File Grabber): LottaNZB -> SABnzbd -> NZBGet -> nzb -> nzbperl
- Accounting: GnuCash -> GNU Pem
- Financial Markets Monitoring: JStock -> Qtstalker/QtTrader
- Application Profiling: Gprof -> Valgrind (+ Callgrind)
- Data Recovery: dvdisaster -> ddrescue -> TestDisk (PhotoRec)
- Debugger: DDD -> CGDB -> GDB
- Virtual Memory Debugger: scanmem & Gameconqueror -> varedit
- Java Debugger: VisualVM
- Browser Debugger: Firebug
- Forensic Analysis Framework: The Sleuth Kit -> DFF -> Radare
- Hex Editors: HT Editor -> dhex -> objdump
- Sandbox: Cuckoo Sandbox
- Steganalysis: Virtual Steganographic Laboratory -> Stegdetect
- Drive Profiling: hdparm -> Smartmontools
- Filesystem Benchmark: IOzone -> Bonnie -> MBW
- General Benchmarking: Phoronix Test Suite ->ProcBench -> Sysbench -> HPC Challenge Benchmark (hpcc)
- Network Profiling: iperf
- Power Management: apcupsd -> tpfancontrol -> thinkfan -> TLP -> PowerTOP
- Server Benchmark: Siege
- System Tracing: OProfile -> Sysdig -> dtrace -> perf -> strace -> ftrace (+ trace-cmd)
- Undevolting and Power Saving: cpufrequtils -> cpupower -> Linux-PHC (+ phc2sys)
System Information
- General Information: zCI -> inxi
- Screenshot Information: Linux_Logo -> Neofetch -> screenFetch -> envee
- Hardware Information: blkid -> lsblk -> lspci -> lshw -> dmesg -> dmidecode
- Software Information: file -> ldd -> vrms -> lsb_release -> uname
System Monitoring
- Database Monitoring: Mytop
- Disk Usage: QDirStat -> Baobab -> xdiskusage -> XDU -> Ncdu -> df
- Geolocation: Prey
- Hardware Monitoring: acpiclient -> Hddtemp -> lm-sensors (psensor for a GUI)
- Log Monitoring: lnav -> multiTail -> Logcheck
- Log Visualizer: glTail -> Logstalgia
- Network Flow: Argos -> HFlow -> nfdump (nfsen)
- Network Latency: SmokePing -> bmon
- Network Monitoring: IPTraf -> NetHogs -> iftop -> vnStat -> tcptrack -> NCMatrix
- Port Monitoring: psad
- Process Monitoring: lsof -> PSmisc
- Serial Monitoring: ttylog -> slsnif
- System Latency: LatencyTOP
- System Monitor: gnome-system-monitor -> psDooM -> Conky -> htop -> nmon -> Sysstat (sar, mpstat, pidstat, iostat, sadf) -> procps (ps, free, vmstat, top, pmap, nice)
- User Monitoring: wuzzah -> Whowatch -> acct
- Web Log Analytics: AWStats -> W3Perl -> Analog -> pmacct
- Web State Monitor: Nagios (+ NagVis) -> sysmon -> Sysmond
ASCii Art
- ANSI Drawing: cadubi -> SHPaint -> MysticDraw
- ANSi Viewer: ANSiMat
- ASCii Animation: blessed -> Durdraw -> drawille
- ASCii Banner: shellpic -> TOIlet -> FIGlet -> sysvbanner
- ASCii Drawing: JavE -> textdraw -> Aewan
- ASCii Presentations: wopr -> blessed-contrib
- Image to ASCii: jp2a
- Video to ASCii: libcaca -> AAlib
- Audio Editing: Audacity -> SoX
- Audio Effect Plugins: zam-plugins (LADSPA/LV2/VST/JACK), LV2 (x42-plugins), LADSPA (tap-plugins), DSSI (dssi-utils, dssi-vst)
- Audio Encoding: LAME, FLAC
- Background Sound: GNU GTick -> Ambient Noise
- Digital Audio Workstation: Rosegarden -> Ardour -> LMMS
- DJing: Mixxx
- Ear Training: LenMus -> GNU Solfege
- Multiple Audio Streams: pulseaudio -> apulse
- Music Player: Audacious (+ Winamp Classic skin + GJay) -> cmus -> MPD (vimus/ncmpcpp) -> MOC (+ moc-ffmpeg-plugin, dmenu_mocp)
- Music Visualization: Spectrum3d -> Le Biniou -> projectM -> cli-visualizer
- Scorewriter: MuseScore -> LilyPond
- Software Sampler: LinuxSampler -> orDrumbox -> Hydrogen
- Synthesizer: AlsaModularSynth -> ZynAddSubFX
- System Sound Utilities: pavucontrol (pulseaudio) -> JAMin (for Jack) -> Qastools -> alsa-utils + Alsaequal
- System Sound Extensions: WineASIO, alsa-oss/oss-compat, ESound (esound-common), awesfx
- Tonal Feature Analysis: CLAM Chordata
- Tracker Editors: Schism -> MilkyTracker
- Trackers: SID-Wizard -> GoatTracker
- Tray Icon: Volume Icon -> Volti
- Bitmaps to Vector Conversion: AutoTrace -> Potrace
- Diagram Editor: Pencil Project -> Dia -> Graphviz
- Bitmap Graphics Digital Drawing: Krita -> MyPaint -> XPaint
- Coloring Digital Drawing: STYLE2PAINTS
- Fonts Digital Drawing: FontForge
- Vector Digital Drawing: Inkscape -> Xfig
- Image Editing: RawTherapee -> darktable -> Gimp + G'MIC -> ImageMagick (display, import)
- Image Viewer: Feh -> sxiv -> display (ImageMagick) -> fim/fbi
- Plotting: Gnuplot -> PLplot
- Screenshots: Shutter -> scrot -> maim -> import (ImageMagick) -> fbcat (FBGrab)
- Image Optimizing: pngcrush -> pngquant -> OptiPNG
- Metadata: Easytag -> Beets -> ExifTool
- Compositing: CinePaint -> Natron
- Datamoshing: Autodatamosh
- 2D Digital Animation: Synfig -> OpenToonz
- 3D Digital Animation: Blender
- Screencasting: Open Broadcaster Studio -> SimpleScreenRecorder -> FFmpeg -> ttyrec (+ seq2gif)
- Video Editing: Kdenlive -> Cinelerra-cv -> OpenShot -> FFmpeg
- Video Player: MPV -> VLC (nvlc) -> MPlayer
- Video to gif: Video2Gif -> ImageMagick (convert) -> FFmpeg
- Video Transcoding: HandBrake -> WinFF -> FFmpeg
Network Setup
- Bandwidth Shaping: Wondershaper
- Bandwidth Testing: speedtest-cli -> speed-test
- Darknet: autovpn -> Tor -> AnoNet -> i2p
- DHCP Client: dhclient -> dhcpcd
- DNS Encryption: DNSSEC, DNSCrypt
- DNS Resolution: Unbound + NDS -> BIND9
- MAC Manipulation: GNU MAC Changer
- Mesh Networks: Tinc -> cjdns -> B.A.T.M.A.N. / open80211s (802.11s)
- Network Encryption: OpenSSL -> LibreSSL -> GnuTLS -> IPsec/SAE (802.11s)
- Network Manager: Wicd -> NetworkManager -> ConnMan -> SetNet
- Networking Tools: iproute2 (ip, ss) -> net-tools (netstat, ifconfig)
- Supplicant: wpa_supplicant
- CHM Viewer: xCHM -> CHMLib (extract_chmLib)
- Database RRDtool, MariaDB -> Datalog -> GNU Recutils
- Desktop Publishing: Scribus
- Document Processor: Emacs (AUCTeX) -> LyX -> GNU TeXmacs
- Ebook Viewer: Calibre -> Okular -> Zathura -> fimgs/fbi
- Flashcards: Anki -> awk flashcards
- Gamification: HabitRPG -> Habitica
- Input Method Editor: iBus -> Fcitx -> SCIM
- Mind Mapping: FreeMind
- Office Suites: Siag Office -> LibreOffice -> catdoc (xls2csv, catppt, wordview)
- Offline Dictionary: Goldendict -> Artha -> dict
- Outliner: TreeSheets -> Vault 3 -> GJots2 -> Emacs (Org-mode) -> Vim (Vimoutliner or Vim-orgmode) -> hnb
- PDF Editing: PDF SaM -> Poppler
- Personal Assistant: Mycroft -> betty -> Climate -> The Fuck -> Suicide Linux
- Personal Organizer: Wyrd -> calcurse -> when -> cal
- Presentation: Beamer -> Sozi -> Text Presentation Program
- Printers: CUPS -> LPR
- Repetitive Strain Injury: Workrave
- Speed Reading: speedread
- Spell Check: Aspell -> Ispell
- Spreadsheets: Libreoffice Calc -> Gnumeric -> Oleo -> SC-IM + Pandoc
- Text Editor (and IDE): Emacs (nox) -> Vim -> Nano -> Vile -> xwpe -> GNU Zile
- Text Formatting and Pretty Printing: Pandoc -> Textutils (par, fmt)
- Text-To-Speech: Orca -> Gespeaker -> eBook-speaker (+ pandoc) -> eSpeak
- Typing Training: Klavaro -> nlkt -> GNU Typist
- Weather Forecast: AWeather -> Weather Util -> rrdweather
- Word Processor: Libreoffice Writter -> Abiword -> MinEd -> WordGrinder + Pandoc
Package Management
- Gaming Platform: LGOGDownloader, Steam (+ SteamCMD), Lutris
- Packaging Tools: Alien -> Open Build Service -> CheckInstall -> GNU Stow
- Portable Apps: Flatpak -> Snappy -> AppImage
- Universal Package Managers: pkgsrc -> GNU Guix
- Distros: Security Scenario Generator (SecGen) -> Damn Vulnerable Linux -> Metasploitable -> Kioptrix
- Web Apps: Mutillidae -> hackxor -> WebGoat
Network Scanner
- DNS Client: nslookup, whois, host, dig, dnsenum, dnstracer
- Link Scanner: Metagoofil -> Linklint (+ linklint2dot)
- Network Enumeration: SSLScan, p0f, PRADS
- Network File Retrieval: tcpxtract -> Driftnet
- Network Mapping: Open Visual Traceroute -> EtherApe -> Xtract -> weathermap4rrd -> Paris Traceroute -> MTR -> Ping -> arping
- OSINT: Creepy -> Netglub
- Packet Sniffer: tcpflow -> Tshark (Wireshark TUI) -> tcpdump
- Reconnaissance Framework: dsniff (urlsnarf, filesnarf, webspy, Tcpkill, macof, arpspoof) -> Nmap -> ngrep
- WiFi Scanner: Kismet
Network Tampering
- General: Netsed -> cryptcat (Netcat) -> socat
- Man-in-the-middle Attack: Morpheus -> sslstrip -> Ettercap
- Packet Crafting: Ostinato -> hping
- Traffic Generator: Mausezahn
- Traffic Replay: Tcpreplay
Password Cracking
- BIOS: CmosPwd
- Compressed Files: RarCrack
- General: John the Ripper
- PDF: pdfcrack
- Remote: THC Hydra
- WiFi: FLUXION -> Reaver -> Aircrack-ng
- Windows: Ophcrack
- Wordlist Generator: CUPP -> crunch
Vulnerability Scanner
- Application Vulnerability: BCCF -> afl-fuzz
- Backdooring: Cymothoa -> Veil-Evasion -> Backdoor Factory -> Evilgrade - EvilAbigail
- Cross-Scripting: xsser
- Exploit Famework: WebSploit -> w3af
- Network Vulnerability: pytbull -> Yersinia
- Post Exploitation: Empire -> Post Exploitation Collection -> Post Exploitation Linux Toolkit -> poet
- Social Engineering: Social Engineering Toolkit
- SQL Injection: sqlmap
- SSH Denial: screwSSH
- Web Application Vulnerability: Nikto
- Windows Registry Editor: Offline NT Password & Registry Editor (chntpw)
- Anti Stylometry: Anonymouth, renamer
- Disk Cleaner: BleachBit -> bleachbit_cli (BleachBit) -> shred -> Dban
- Boot Encryption: cryptboot
- Disk Encryption: StegFS -> dm-crypt
- File Encryption: GNU Privacy Assistant -> ccrypt -> GNU Privacy Guard
- Full Storage Encryption: VeraCrypt -> tcplay (TrueCrypt implementation) -> Keyringer -> Tomb
- Identity Generator: The Random Identity Generator (rig)
- Password Generator: pwgen -> apg
- Password Manager: KeePassX -> pass (+ pass-tomb) -> kpcli
- Steganography: StegoShare -> Steghide -> SNOW -> Steganoroute
- Build Automation: Gradle, Buildroot
- Cache: Memcached -> EnhanceIO -> dm-cache -> bcache
- Code Beautifier: HTML Tidy -> UniversalIndentGUI
- Compiling Speeding Up: distcc, ccache
- Documentation Browser: Zeal -> Devhelp
- Documentation Generator: perlpod, bashdoc, Doxygen
- Issue Tracking System: Bugzilla -> GNATS
- Linting: ShellCheck, Source-highlight
- Source Code Navigation: LXR: The Linux Cross Referencer -> GNU GLOBAL -> cscope -> Ctags -> cgvg,
- Toolchain: IcedTea (OpenJDK), GnuCOBOL, GNU Toolchain (GNU Make, GNU Build System -Autotools-, GNU m4, GNU Binutils, GNU bison, GCC)
- Version Control: Git (+ tig) -> Fossil -> RCS
Remote Access
- Configuration Management: Puppet -> CFEngine -> cdist
- Control Panel: Webmin
- Diskless Booting: iPXE -> netboot
- PC-Mobile Connection: KDE Connect -> Wammu -> BitPim -> AndroidTools
- Remote Desktop Client: rdesktop -> Remmina -> fbvnc
- Remote Desktop Server: xrdp
- Remote Execution: pconsole
- Remote File Manager: KodExplorer
- Remote Login: Mosh -> OpenSSH
- Remote X Apps: Xpra > X11 forwarding
- Reverse Shell: icmpsh -> RevSh
- Serial Console: GNU Screen -> Minicom -> Picocom
- Server Provisioning: FAI
- Wake-on-LAN: wakeonlan
Science And Engineering
- Artificial Intelligence: Golly, Arcade Learning Environment, ETHNOS, CTF, Conscious Artificial Intelligence, OpenCog, OpenAI
- Astronomy: SaVi satellite constellation visualizer -> Stellarium -> Celestia -> SkyCat
- Bioinformatics: Bioclipse -> EMBOSS -> BioJava -> BioPerl
- CAD: AutoCAD -> FreeCAD -> OpenSCAD
- Chemistry: MolComp, ChemE
- Circuit Simulator: ngspice, Gnucap
- Data Visualization: SocNetV -> Cytoscape -> Tulip -> Gephi
- Fractals: Mandelbulber
- Geographic Information System: qGIS
- Street Map: JOSM -> Osmosis
- Subway Map: qMetro
- Virtual Globe: Marble
- Learning Management System: GnuTutor -> OpenExpert -> Syllog
- Scientific Calculator: KAlgebra -> GraphMonkey -> SageMath -> Maxima + PLplot
- Software-defined radio (SDR): GNU Radio (+ Gqrx) -> rtl-sdr
- Statistical Package: Physics Analysis WorkStation -> KNIME -> gretl -> PSPP
- Volunteer Computing: BOINC (+ boinctui)
- Access Control: SELinux -> Smack -> AppArmor -> RSBAC
- Authentication: Polkit/ConsoleKit -> FakeRoot -> Sudo (visudo) -> Linux PAM
- Resource Usage Control: ulimit -> Disk Quota
- Sandboxing: Firejail -> Bubblewrap
- Client: HoneyC -> Capture-HPC
- Distro Bundle: HoneyDrive -> ADHD
- Server: Honeyperl -> Nova -> LaBrea
- Web-Based: HIHAT
Host Intrusion
- Anti Juice Jacking: usbkill -> USBGuard
- Anti Malware: ClamTk -> ClamAV -> Linux Malware Detect (LMD)
- Host Intrusion Detection Framework: Defensive Tools For The Blind -> OSSEC -> Tiger
- Host System Auditing: OpenVAS -> Linux Security Auditing Tool (LSAT) -> Bastille -> Lynis
- Integrity Check AIDE -> systraq -> Tripwire -> Samhain
- Rootkit Detection: rkhunter, Chkrootkit, Unhide
- System Logging: Syslog-ng -> sysklogd
Network Intrusion
- Firewall: gufw -> ufw -> iptables (+ ipset) -> nftables
- Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) Detection: ArpON, Arpalert
- Network Intrusion Detection: Snort -> Suricata
- Network Intrusion Prevention: Fail2ban -> Sshguard
- Domain Specific Authentication Server: Ident, SKS
- Directory Service: OpenLDAP -> NIS
- RADIUS: FreeRADIUS -> GNU Radius
- SSO: GNU Shishi (Kerberos)
- Suites: FreeIPA -> SSSD
- BBS Server: Citadel -> Synchronet -> Mystic BBS -> BBS100
- Captcha: cool-php-captcha
- Direct Connect Server: uhub
- DLNA: Universal Media Server -> ReadyMedia (a.k.a. MiniDLNA)
- E-Mail Filtering (LDA): Dovecot -> procmail
- E-Mail Indexing: Archmbox -> Chewmail -> Notmuch -> mairix
- E-Mail Notifier: mswatch
- E-Mail Server (MTA): Kolab -> Postfix -> Exim -> cmail
- E-Mail Spam Filter: DSPAM -> SpamAssassin
- E-Mail Validation: OpenDKIM, SPF
- File Server: Google Drive -> Nextcloud -> vsftpd -> sftp
- General: GNU Serveez
- IRC BNC: ZNC (IRC bouncer)
- IRC Bot: Seabattle (bot game), Eggdrop (IRC bot)
- IRC Fileserver: iroffer
- IRC Server: UnrealIRCd/Charybdis -> InspIRCd -> ngIRCd
- MUD Server: PennMUSH
- Political: LittleSis
- Port Tunnel: stunnel -> knockd
- Proxy Server: Tinyproxy
- Service Manager: sslh, xinetd
- Torrent Tracker: Ocelot -> Gazelle
- Tunneling: ProxyChains -> VPNEncap -> VPNCHAINS
- Tunneling VM: PIA Tunnel, Whonix
- Usenet Server: InterNetNews -> Leafnode
- VPN: OpenVPN (+ PiVPN) -> WireGuard -> PeerVPN
- Web Caching: Decentraleyes on a web browser -> Squid (+ SquidGuard, for Web Filtering)
- Web Filtering: Ad blocker on a web browser -> Pi-hole -> Privoxy -> Hostsblock
- Web Server: Apache -> Nginx -> lighttpd -> darkhttpd -> Bucktooth (+ Bucky, for HTTP exit, Bucktooth is Gopher)
- Wireless Access Point: hostapd
- XMPP Server: Tigase
System Tools
- BIOS: Coreboot -> Libreboot
- Boot Loader: GRUB 2 -> GRUB Legacy -> SYSLINUX -> LILO (or ELILO for UEFI)
- Custom Initramfs: mkinitcpio -> dracut -> mkinitramfs
- Filesystem: Btrfs, XFS, Ext4, JFS, Reiser4, Bcachefs
- Hibernation: TuxOnIce -> uswsusp
- Init Daemon: Upstart -> SysVinit -> runit -> OpenRC -> Initng -> sinit
- IPC: DBus -> ipcs
- Job Scheduler: Slurm -> Cron
- Load in RAM: E4rat -> readahead -> preload
- Service Manager (to be used with an init: bum -> OpenRC -> chkconfig -> daemontools-encore -> perp
- Settings Manager: Linux Lite Control Center -> Linux Registry
- Utilities: Mtools -> GNU Coreutils -> BusyBox -> Asmutils and ARMutils