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## TOC
1. [SETUP](#setup)
1.1 [/etc/network/interfaces](#/etc/network/interfaces)
1.2. [WiFi](#wifi)
2. [FIREWALL](#firewall)
2.1. [ufw](#ufw)
2.2. [iptables](#iptables)
3. [SSH](#ssh)
3.1. [CLIENT](#client)
3.2. [SERVER](#server)
4. [TROUBLESHOOTING](troubleshooting)
4.1. [tcpdump](#tcpdump)
4.2. [netstat](#netstat)
4.3. [traceroute](#traceroute)
4.4. [nmap](#nmap)
### /etc/network/interfaces
# use last 8 octets for hosts
### WiFi
Use WiFi without a separate network manager with this simple guide. Needs "_dhcpcd_" or "_dhcpclient_", "_net-tools_" or "_iproute2_", "_wpa\_supplicant_", and the WiFi drivers for your wireless card (like "_iwlwifi_" and its "_ucode_"), which in part can be installed from a package usually named "_linux-firmware_", but they may not be complete (this provides "_ucode_" but not "_iwlwifi_").
__NOTE__: The "_<DEVICE_NAME>_" can be either "_wlp3s0_" or "_wlan0_". Change accordingly the following commands to suit your needs.
* Create the configuration file (as "_root_", not "_sudo_"):
`wpa_passphrase <NETWORK_NAME> <PASSWORD> > /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf`
* Delete non hashed password from "_/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf_", but not the hashed one.
Each time you need to connect type the following command (as "_root_" or with "_sudo_"):
* __EXAMPLE 1__: With "_net-tools_" and "_dhcpcd_":
ifconfig <DEVICE_NAME> down
ifconfig <DEVICE_NAME> up
wpa_supplicant -B -i<DEVICE_NAME> -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -Dwext
dhcpcd <DEVICE_NAME>
* __EXAMPLE 2__: With "_iproute2_" and "_dhclient_":
ip link set <DEVICE_NAME> down
ip link set <DEVICE_NAME> up
wpa_supplicant -B -i<DEVICE_NAME> -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -Dwext
dhclient <DEVICE_NAME>
You can save either example in a script to activate the Wi-Fi whenever you want.
* Note: As an educational tip, the name of a network is also called "_SSID_" in other places.
### ufw
* Show status
`sudo ufw status`
* Enable firewall
`sudo ufw enable`
* Disable firewall
`sudo ufw disable`
* Deny all by default
`sudo ufw default deny`
* Allow all by default
`sudo ufw default allow`
* Allow everything for specific port by default
`sudo ufw allow PORT_NUMBER`
* Delete a rule
`sudo ufw delete allow PORT_NUMBER`
* Allow everything for a specific address
`sudo ufw allow from IP_ADDRESS`
* Allow a specific port for a specific address
`sudo ufw allow from IP_ADDRESS to any port PORT_NUMBER`
### iptables
* To list all rules:
`iptables -L`
* To flush all rules (reset to blank slate):
`iptables -F`
* To flush an specific rule:
`iptables -D <THE_RULE_TO_FLUSH>`
* The rules are read in the order you give them and also their flags:
_-A_: appends to previous list of rules.
_-I_: inserts to previous list of rules.
* The rules are followed according to their type which is a chain. The three types of chains are:
_INPUT_: Comes from outside the firewall (commonly from another computer).
_OUTPUT_: Comes from behind the firewall (commonly from the same computer).
_FORWARD_: Goes to a third computer.
* To select the interface (can be eth0, lo, wlan0, etc.):
`--in-interface <INTERFACE>`
* or also:
* To make the rule match all but the requested interface add an exclamation between the interface flag and the interface name:
`-i ! <INTERFACE>`
* To select source of connection:
`-s <SOURCE_IP>`
* To select the protocol (can be tcp, udp, etc.):
* To select the port:
`--dport <PORT>`
* Match packet rules by state (can be used instead of ports):
`-m state`
* Types of state (ESTABLISHED, RELATED, etc.), more than one can be selected by using a comman with no spaces, for example:
* Match packet rules by IP range (can be used instead of ports):
`-m iprange`
* To choose a range set the start IP and the end IP separated by a dash:
`--src-range <FIRST_IP>-<LAST_IP>`
* The action to enforce (ACCEPT, DROP, etc.):
`-j <ACTION>`
* Let pass all connections from inside the firewall:
`iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT`
* Drop all incoming connections by default:
`iptables -P INPUT DROP`
* Drop all forwarding connections by default:
`iptables -P FORWARD DROP`
* Allow all packets from loopback (your computer):
`iptables -A INPUT --in-interface lo -j ACCEPT`
* Allow connections from outisde to view your server:
`iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport <SERVER_PORT> -j ACCEPT`
* Allow connections to your computer through SSH (assuming the SSH server is running in port 22):
`iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT`
* Allow SSH only from local IP using IP range (to be used instead of the above):
`iptables -A INPUT -m iprange --src-range -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT`
* Allow connections to receive a response from the same port, for the sake of the two-way connection as in the case of web browsers:
`iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT`
* Drop spoofed packets simulating as coming from the same computer:
`iptables -A INPUT --in-interface ! lo --source -j DROP`
* To create a custom chain:
* Declaring the <ANY_NAME> chain will add the deployment of rules with this chain name where this chain is called:
`iptables -A INPUT -j <ANY_NAME>`
* Using the chain <ANY_NAME> for connections from outisde to your server:
`iptables -A <ANY_NAME> -p tcp --dport <SERVER_PORT> -j ACCEPT`
* Using the chain <ANY_NAME> for connections to the SSH server:
`iptables -A <ANY_NAME> -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT`
* Redirect port 80 to port 8080 using the NAT table:
`iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080`
## SSH
* login to remote host
* login to remote host as user USER
* set ssh server configuration in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Port 22 # default port is 22, can be changed
PermitRootLogin without-password # change "without-password" to "no" to forbid root login
AllowUsers USER_NAME # by allowing a specific user it restricts the others
* restart "ssh" service to activate changes
### tcpdump
* dump all
`sudo tcpdump`
* dump 5 packets
`sudo tcpdump -c 5`
* dump in ASCii format
`sudo tcpdump -A`
* dump in hexadecimal format
`sudo tcpdump -xx`
* dump from an specific interface
`sudo tcpdump -i INTERFACE_NAME`
* dump from a specific port
`sudo tcpdump port PORT_NUMBER`
* dump 5 packets in hexadecimal from an specific interface and a specific port
`sudo tcpdump -c 5 -xx -i INTERFACE port PORT_NUMBER`
### netstat
* show routing table, including gateway
`netstat -nr`
* show all ports
`netstat -tulpn`
* show network usage of devices
`netstat -i`
* show active connections
`netstat -ta`
* show active connections, but show ip addresses instead
`netstat -tan`
### traceroute
* show which route your connection takes between your computer to the destination
`traceroute WEBNAME_OR_IP`
### nmap
* scan a specific ip address (including devices)
`nmap IP_NUMBER`
* scan a specific website
* scan a specific ip address (including devices) with more information
`nmap -v IP_NUMBER`
* scan two ip address (including devices), and
* scan a range of ip address (including devices), from to
* scan all ip address (including devices) from network
`nmap 192.168.0.*`
* scan address from a file
`nmap -il <FILE>`
* scan address and identify OS and running services
`nmap -A IP_NUMBER`
* check if target is up
`nmap -sP IP_NUMBER`
* check reason for services states
`nmap --reason IP_NUMBER`
* show host interfaces
`nmap --iflist IP_NUMBER`